Homecooked food: Featuring Chef Chewy :)


Chewy Charles invited me over to his house for dinner after our trip to the zoo zoo zoo! It was great fun even though it rained halfway through and we had to seek shelter for more than an hour.


This is the menu that Chef Chewy painstakingly designed πŸ™‚ I brought it home as a souvenir.


Our starter – Garden Salad.


Chopping up the mushrooms for the pasta.


Chef Chewy holding up one of my favorite kinds of pasta – Angel Hair.


Two cans of Carbonara Mushroom sauce and two cans of Cheese pasta sauce.


Haha oops. Ever ready for the camera even in the midst of frying.


Not included in the menu. Chef Chewy’s mum helped to fry the french fries.


Sides – Fried Scallop Rolls.


Sides – Salmon Cheese sticks and Chicken Karaage.


Main course – Sausage and Mushroom Spaghetti.

We were too full in the end so we skipped having durian. *Burp*
Hehe thanks Chef Chewy for the invite and to his family for hosting this dinner! Cook more often for me in future! πŸ˜›
Sadly, I cannot really cook. Anyone has simple recipes for me so that I can whip up something too? πŸ˜€

29 thoughts on “Homecooked food: Featuring Chef Chewy :)

  1. i think you can try making simple baked meals, like lasagna. or you can cheat and whip up yummilicious ham and cheese croissants by buying crossiants from a bakery, slicing them into two and placing a slice of ham and cheese in between them before popping them into the toasted! look up recipe books or cooking blogs and i’m sure you’ll get plenty of inspiration (:

  2. Need to use my cheese sauce and cream sauce? When I cook pasta at home nv put cheese sauce before.

    Haha angelhair sounds funny! R u an angel dat’s y u like angelhair? *winks*

  3. Wow! Chewy Charles can cook and Charlene you are such a lucky girl . I love to read your blogs which are very interesting not mainly on food only. You also included photo of your friends and your Chewy Charles and outdoor activities.
    A loving and blissful sweet couple, made me jealous, *-*

    • Hi Carlyn, thanks! Yeah I like to include photos of my close friends because they play a very important role in my life. Too bad my family members are quite shy about having their photos put up on my blog πŸ˜›

  4. Hi Charlene, so you have no excuse now, go and learn how to cook using the recipes given! Home cooked food is the best. Getting married soon??? If yes, Congratulation to you and Chewy Charles.

    • Heyy Alison, I can only cook cha soba which is really simple. Just have to boil water and then dump in the noodles when the water is boiling. My mum will probably kill me if i make a mess in the kitchen. LOL! Ummm marriage?! Let’s see…. πŸ˜›

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