Happy mid week everyone! Sorry for the lack of updates because I simply have no energy to blog lately. Work is kinda crazy and I have been sleeping really early these days. As I had mentioned before, I joined this particular mummies group on FB and because there are too many of us, we further split ourselves up into zones depending on our residential areas. Back in August, we had a mini gathering for the Eastie mummies and babies! The theme was Bebe en Blanc and babies had to be dressed in white. Hehe! All photos in this post were taken by one of the photographers from Lumiere Photography, which our kind host Christine hired and paid for. Thanks Chris! 🙂
That’s my hand supporting Little misschewy because she couldn’t sit up well at that time. Anyway I love all the photos taken by the photographer but I selected those that I like best to be featured in this blog post. Hope I didn’t miss out on any of our adorable babies!
Our little host, J! Isn’t she a sweetie?
And of course there’s food! You can never go wrong with catered food from Neo Garden!
The fathers took over while the mummies get to refuel!
Guess what do these 3 babies have in common? They share the same birth date! Sophie Rose and Chanelle were born in the same hospital too!
One of the mummies conducted a baking class for the older kids to keep them occupied.
Great bonding activity for mother and child!
Yummy yummy cupcakes!
The babies also had their individual shots taken. Seems like all of them were in a cheerful mood and had fun at the mini gathering!
Stay connected with us on Facebook www.facebook.com/missuschewy and on Instagram @missuschewy and @misterchewy 🙂