Koobits Singapore Math Portal


During my school days, I had a love-hate relationship with mathematics. Thankfully, I had competent tutors to turn to and of course, practice makes perfect! I have not been in touch with the current curriculum and syllabus being taught in schools and honestly, the seemingly difficult and impossible to crack Mathematics questions that have gone viral online makes me feel very worried that as a parent, I might not be able to guide Chanelle in her studies, especially when she enters primary school in future.

Koobits 1 in 5

I found out about KooBits ProblemSums online portal, which is currently used by 1 in 5 primary school students to help improve their mathematics. I have nieces and nephews who are in primary school, so I thought I would recommend KooBits to them if I really find it useful!

Pri 1 topics

Here’s taking a glance at the Primary 1 mathematics topics.


From the dashboard, users can select “Self Practice”, “Homework” or “Challenge”. Parents can also register and view their child’s performance report and also get alerted on their child’s homework.

P1 mechanical sums

Within “Self Practice”, there are mechanical sums, problem sums and high ability questions to complete.

Self practice 1

Students can zoom in on areas that they are particularly weak in and keep practicing until they feel confident about moving on. I reckon it’s really cool that there are short and concise videos which are supposed to help children retain information in a more efficient manner.

Self practice 2

Questions are labelled according to their level of difficulty. There is also a video tutorial for every question that serves as a step-by-step guide. I feel that this is very conducive in promoting self-learning in children.

Homework March 2015

Apart from homework created automatically by KooBits, teachers and parents can also log into the Maths portal and create new homework for the children!

Create Homework

Homework creation seems like a no-brainer!

Daily Challenge

I believe most kids will enjoy the KooBits Challenge! Besides the daily challenges that they can participate in, students can also challenge their friends and win prizes.

Watch this video and find out more about KooBits and how it can benefit your child!

Parents, feel free to make the best out of the 6 months FREE trial offered by KooBits by clicking here http://products.koobits.com/problemsums/singapore