Valentine’s Day Dinner @ Villa di Parma


Wassup chewy chewy friends! How was Valentine’s Day for you? Hope that those of you who were initially single and available are all happily attached today! ๐Ÿ˜› This year’s Valentine’s Day fell on a weekday and as much as misterchewy and I would love to take a day off work to celebrate the occasion together, we didn’t because we had already applied for a considerable amount of annual leave for our honeymoon in a few weeks’ time. My OOTD was this black lacy dress from Hollyhoque! ๐Ÿ™‚


This marks our 3rd year spending Valentine’s Day together, our 2nd as a married couple. It doesn’t feel like we have only known each other for 2 years plus, really. I think we got comfortable in each other’s presence really quickly. Anyway, I told misterchewy that I didn’t want a fanciful or extravagant celebration this year since we are already spending a bomb on our wedding banquet and honeymoon trip. And I need the extra moolah for my Chanel and Prada ah! ๐Ÿ˜›


Left the husband to decide on our dinner location and he went ahead with Villa di Parma which is near Chomp Chomp. Very far from our workplace. Zzz. I was quite amused that misterchewy was more fascinated by the table setting than his Valentine. Lol.


A bottle of wine would be too much for us so we only had a glass of white wine each ($10). Bad wine choice because it tasted really ‘siap’. Bleah.



This year, we also agreed on not buying gifts for each other but misterchewy surprised me about 15 minutes before lunch time with a bouquet of roses that had really nice pink glitter on the rose petals. He actually took a cab from his workplace in the North to mine in the West. Really appreciative of his effort and sweet gesture ๐Ÿ™‚


Prior to making reservations at Villa di Parma, misterchewy read some reviews online and told me that the Calamari ($15.80) seemed to be a popular dish. I have to agree because squid was lightly coated with batter and deep fried in a way that retained the squid’s chewy texture. The calamari was served with marinara sauce dip (if I’m not wrong) which was something different as compared to the usual mayo.


Our love for mushroom soup made us order a bowl of Crema Di Funghi ($7.80) each. It was certainly one of the best mushroom soup that I have tried so far. The consistency was neither too watery not too thick, it was just right and had small chunks of mushroom for added texture. Pine nuts had also been added. I don’t usually like pine nuts in my food for its slightly bitter taste but the addition of pine nuts gave the soup a balanced taste in all aspects.



We were asked if we wanted cream to be added to our Carbonara ($18.80) and that the authentic Italian carbonara is supposed to be dry. We opted for the dry version so as not to overwhelm ourselves with cream, cream and more cream. The spaghetti was cooked slightly past al dente and it was not overly creamy for us.


We also shared the Smoked Duck Pizza ($24.80) and agreed that it wasn’t really fantastic. Maybe we should have ordered the smoked salmon pizza instead.


Kinda full so we decided against ordering any desserts. The statement, “there is always room for desserts” still holds la. Haha.



It was just a simple celebration but I’m thankful for everything ๐Ÿ™‚


Hahaha taken on the bus because we were sitting at the back and the bus was really empty ๐Ÿ˜›


I don’t usually receive flowers from the husband because I keep telling him that flowers are a waste of money. Now, I have two bouquets in my office. ๐Ÿ˜€


Cheers to many many more Valentine’s Days together!


Please ‘Like’ our Facebook page and follow us on Instagram @missuschewy and @misterchewy! Till the next post! ๐Ÿ™‚

Villa di Parma
14b Kensington Park Rd
Serangoon Garden Estate
Singapore 557265
Tel: 6281 3380

Opening Hours:
Mon & Tue
12pm – 2.30pm
6pm – 10.30pm
Thu – Sat
12pm – 2.30pm
6pm – 10.30 pm
6pm – 10.30pm